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NHWC Transmission Author’s Guidelines


The NHWC Transmission is published monthly by the National Hydrologic Warning Council to keep members informed of association news, government actions affecting hydrologic warning, and research and information sources. It is also an excellent way for professionals in the hydrologic warning community to share ideas and stories. Each edition is usually eight to ten pages long, and is available only in electronic format. It will be sent out via email to the membership of NHWC.

Each edition is posted to the NHWC web site at:


The NHWC Transmissionis distributed to the ever-growing membership of NHWC, representing all levels of government, industrial, commercial, educational, private, nonprofit and volunteer organizations in the U.S. and around the world.


The primary focus of the NHWC Transmission is local. We are looking for articles that provide information and insights useful to other members of the hydrologic warning community, in government and private sectors. Appropriate topics include: new research results, unique applications, successful programs, real experiences with hydrologic disasters and/or exercises, reviews of new publications, and commentary on important issues facing the hydrologic warning community.


  • Photos, charts, and other graphics/illustrations are used as space allows, but are highly recommended. They must be provided as separate high-resolution graphic images.
  • Resolution : For any images, resolution must be at least 300 dpi. NOTE: If you are using a two or three mega-pixel camera, your photos may not be high enough resolution to print well even though they may look good on your computer screen.
  • Photos : Photos should be submitted as color images.
  • Graphics : You should send charts, graphics and illustrations as full-color version.


  • Tight space means it’s important to get to the point quickly, and to stick to the dominant message.
  • Active verbs are more interesting than passive.
  • Strong verbs and nouns make the best use of space.
  • Short anecdotes or examples help explain, and add drama, humor or human interest.
  • Details make your story come alive.
  • Formatting techniques can make your article easier to follow (subheads, charts, “bulleted” lists).


  • Share facts and insights readers can use to improve their own hydrologic warning program or advance their individual professionalism.
  • Give details and specifics, plus provide examples to show how you actually put your concept to work.
  • Share your personal experiences – this publication is informal, but professional in nature.
  • If you’re describing an exercise, event or project, share the lessons you learned.
  • Always provide other resources readers can use to follow up, including your name and contact information.
  • In a paragraph or two, share a short “how to” tip, offer a new resource, or summarize a successful program and tell how to obtain more information.


  • For each issue, the copy deadline is the 1st of the month (e.g., for the February newsletter, delivered by the 10th, the deadline is February 1st).


  • Articles should be no more than 750 words in length (about a full page in the newsletter).



  • The editor has discretion to edit articles, but if changes are considered substantive, authors will be able to review the changes before publication. The NHWC Editorial Committee reviews each issue of the NHWC Transmission.


  • The NHWC will award one author the “Best Newsletter Article” award at each biennial conference. The NHWC award committee will select the winner of the award from all articles submitted for newsletters published between the conferences.

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